
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

And so it begins....

I'm lucky to have been accepted to participate in this year's TBAI which will be held in Syracuse, New York, in July. For information on that show, you can click here:
Each year, the participants are asked to create a gallery piece along the year's theme. My gallery piece for the show is Camelot! It's my choice of a magical myth that has always intrigued me. I thought you might like a peek as this gallery piece comes together so check back for updates as my ideas take shape between now and July.
So. Here we have King Arthur in his beginning days. He has no "eye makeup" and his head is not attached to his body, but I think he is quite handsome - sort of like Robert Goulet when I saw him perform the role at the Chrysler Theater in Virginia Beach in the early 90's. What an experience! and I hope I can translate some of that magic into this piece as I add Guinevere and a lovely setting befitting that "shinning moment that was known as Camelot!"

Sunday, February 19, 2017

First Daffodil of 2017!

Each year I marvel at the first tiny miniature daffodil that pops up in my front yard. This year, to my surprise, I noticed this little fellow on Valentine's Day! What a gift of love!! I must check, but I think this is surely the earliest this gift has arrived.

Through the winter, I've counted on this pot of pansies on my front porch to bring a smile whenever I see this bunny with his offering. It's amazing that these flowers can look frozen and as soon as the sun comes out, they are perky and happy!

Wishing you days of blossoms and sunshine to enjoy them by!!