
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Oh MY!

What a spectacular Birthday gift! I guess becoming a septuagenarian is a pretty good thing!!
Thank you Thank you! Taylor, Pat, and Bill

Monday, December 26, 2016


Today I am 70. I share with you a photo of my beautiful antique Lion birthday present from my husband Travis! Isn't he (well, both of them - gift and giver) grand?!!
I've thought about this milestone for sometime, but this morning it doesn't seem daunting at all! I'm being taken out to lunch by my dear family and will enjoy my gifts of art, books, and candy - and of course this great Lion (no name yet) throughout the day!
Life is good!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Clever Design

I'm always on the lookout for objects to use while photographing my little bears and bunnies and elephants and turtles and kitties and....

I recently found this glass mushroom at our local Farmers Market which also features clever crafts from time to time.

And just take a look at what this is! A bottle glued to a bowl! The lady who created it had a whole booth full of recycled and reclaimed items which might otherwise be discarded. I'll add her info as soon as I find her business card....must be here somewhere!! Clever lady!

Friday, November 18, 2016

The Show is On!!

The Teddies Worldwide show has begun! I hope you'll visit at and see all the wonderful Holiday joy in the faces of all the bears and friends. 
My "Gabriela" is pictured above with her jumble of ornaments!

And here, she'd just like a hug!
You've already seen Penelope and Pascal in my last post - my preview piece for the show.

Additionally, I have 
Pepper Minty

Holly Ann Ivy
(don't you love the name!! Thanks Jasmine!)

and Toblerone!
(who loves ornament surfing!)

I hope you like these bears (and pony) and will enjoy the show!

All my bears were sold by 12:06!!! Thanks everyone! I hope you enjoy the show!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Teddies Worldwide Preview !

Penelope's Wish! A Panda Pony Named Pascal

The theme for the upcoming Teddies Worldwide show is Holiday Wishes. My sweet little Penelope panda got her wish! I hope you will visit the Teddies Worldwide  preview at: to see all the wonderful Holiday Wishes. You'll have an opportunity to vote for your favorites!

Friday, October 28, 2016

More Photo Lab fun!

Here's sweet little Harry Potter  in a "starry night" option!

I think
 These artsy renderings are even better than the original!

But he's pretty swell just as he is, don't you think??

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

A Show Coming Up!

The Bears and I are looking forward to participating in this year's Christmas Treasures show produced by Teddies Worldwide! Look for the preview bear here in early November!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

A Grand Day in Jamestown!

A brilliant day in southern Virginia - and a fine day to visit historic Jamestown! These are photos from a visit we made in August.
May I share some of the sites we enjoyed this day?
We travelled across the James River on the ferryPocahontas!
 Locals bid us farewell!
The three ships constructed to match the originals: Susan Constant, Discovery, and Godspeed were amazingly small for so many to have traveled on!
We enjoyed the detail of each building in the recreated Jamestown Settlement. Here are a few shots around the village:
The Govenor's assistant - dressed in wool on a very hot day.

The one glass window from outside
And inside!

Some locals.
Herbs drying everywhere!
The herb garden
And my special favorites - the Sunflowers!
What a grand day!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Have you tried the Photo Lab app yet?

Here's a special little Fairy Butterfly bear made from silk fur. He's such a sweetie (made for a special birthday gift) and I've been having some fun with Photo Lab on my iPhone.
What do you think??

Isn't that fun!
And now for my Grandkitty Frodo!
Hope you like the photos!!

Friday, April 8, 2016

New fur!

Just received these beautiful pieces of Italian 9mm viscose with names like - cookies, creamy, and cocoa! Sounds like a teddy bear tea party in the making!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Cherry Blossom Time

This sweet Little Miss arrived on Easter! I made her for Kim from a pattern from Mo Malron at Crochet Objet. I've ordered cotton from her Etsy shop Crochet Objet and used that for little bunny's body.

I'd like to take you on a photo shoot around the cherry tree in my front yard:

The blossoms start out white and turn pink before they blow away. They are never on the tree long enough.

I discovered these little beauties when I was mowing a few days ago. I left the grass high there!

And then saw these blossoms on the ground around a corner of the house where I don't go often. I couldn't imagine where they had come from. I looked up on the side of the house and there they were!

It's the Yellow Jessamine which seems to have planted itself - with the help of birds and squirrels, I'm sure. I have more of the vines in other places, but this one was a surprise!

And these beauties got an early start last fall on my deck. They are really blooming now!

Happy Spring to all!!

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Show Is On!


Mocha Latte




Here are my bears for the Teddies Worldwide show! I hope you'll click here: to see all the wonderful bears!! Enjoy!!