
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Teddy goes to New York!!

Here's a very patriotic young chap who came to be named "Teddy" by his new mom. He left last week and arrived in New York ahead of their snowstorm.

With his little flag, he looks as if he's ready to visit the Statue of Liberty, don't you think??

AND NOW!! A little hint: I shall be listing a tiny Valentine Bear in my Etsy shop soon.  He should arrive by Valentine's day for you or for you to give to your Valentine should you care to adopt! I'll be sending out emails to those of you who have signed up for my mailing list when I do and also posting his (yep, a little guy) photo here as soon as he's listed. Here's another hint: He's a panda dressed in red named Cherry Pi.

P. S. Check back around 7 p.m. this evening (Friday, January 30) !!!

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