
Monday, October 21, 2013

Pretty Little Dresses

I've borrowed a knitting needle from Kim to hang some of my little crocheted dresses I've been making. It's usually the other way around! I make the bear first and then the attire which will look just right for the bear! This time, I've just had so much fun with new threads from Knitpicks - seeing what color combinations and designs I can come up with. All these will look great on my little 4 inch standing bear. I'm working on bears for the online show - which I can't show you in advance. Some of these little dresses might just be on the bears and kitties and bunnies, I'll bet!

The red dress on the left is the only one done in crochet thread that is not from the new Knitpicks line. All the
others have subtle coloring that I really enjoyed working with. Sometimes, you just have to have a bright
red dress, though, don't you think???

My favorite of the bunch is probably the one in the middle here in gold and green - which someone in my family observed: "Looks like a pineapple!"

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

National Feral Cat Day!

This is a day to think about and find out what we can do for the feral cats in our personal world. Last summer, Kim and I, and a kind lady from the local Humane Society named Mary, trapped, had neutered, and returned to their world, several feral cats in our neighborhood. One of them, pictured above, chose to become part of our world, and has lived with us inside for the past year. She's called "Luna" and was named for the sweet soul in the character of the same name in the Harry Potter adventures. Luna is quite small - compared to some of our other kitties - but is very healthy and happy. You can see that one of her ears is trimmed which is how the PETA folks mark those who have been neutered and given their shots.
Please visit to see what you can do for the ferals in your world!!

Not all ferals will choose to live inside, but Miss Luna has blessed us with her companionship. There are lots of things we can do for those who live outside. We're getting shelters ready for the winter for the Outsiders on our deck and we feed them twice a day. God Bless every one of them everywhere.