
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Untold Story of the Teddy Bear

Over a year ago, a very nice lady named Patricia Thorne wrote to me. She told me of her plans to write a book! A short time ago her dream came true. I received this copy in the mail. With the rush of the season, I haven't had a chance to read it thoroughly, but look forward to doing so with a nice cup of tea next week. I did, however, at her urging, look at pages 114 and 115 and found

Pat so kindly asked to use some photos of my bears. Of the photos I sent, she chose Christmas themed ones and that makes it especially nice to see at this time of year.

I thank her so very much for including me in this publication! She tells me it is available Everywhere! I hope you will enjoy this book. Here's a link to it on Amazon!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Holidays!! Yay!!!!

Let the festivities begin! I am so thrilled to have both my grown up kids with us this year. I hope everyone will enjoy this time when we slow down and reflect on what makes life worth while. I must share this photo of my darlings that I found and you can tell just how old it is by the Ewok in the photo. Now let's see - how long ago was that movie?? We can always date things by where we were living at the time. This photo was made in our quarters at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. We left soon after that for Okinawa. Our lives during Travis' army career were certainly colorful and seemed like a travelog!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Three Little Bears

Xian LuWu

I've just listed three little bears in my Etsy shop! In addition to the open mouthed Polar Bear (who has been named Travis ((after the insistence of my husband of the same name)) and who was featured in the last posting, I offer tiny Xian LuWu pictured above. He's named for the newly named baby panda at the San Diego Zoo. The name means "Little Gift." The third bear is Little Santa dressed all in green. I do hope you'll stop by and see more photos of the three!

Please click:   I certainly appreciate your comments and
messages.  All three of these bears have been adopted!! Thank you Sue, Lynn, and Debra!!

Little Santa

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Little Something New

This tiny Polar Bear - as yet unnamed - is my first bear with an open mouth! He stands under 4 inches tall and is fully cotter pin jointed. I hope you think he is sweet and smiley and kind. I crocheted his little hat and found the perfect matching green bell.

And now for a schedule change. Because of family activities - we're all fine, just a lot of moving and other things we've been doing - I won't be able to go to the Hunt Valley Show or participate in the wonderful online show coming up soon. That last one is my fault as I missed the deadline for applying! Where does the time go???

Anyway, this little chap as well as some others will make an appearance soon in my Etsy shop. I am so sorry that I won't be able to see everyone at the show this coming weekend. Please drop me a line and let me know how much fun you have and tell me of the new bears in your collections!! I'd love to see photos too!

I'll be letting you know when my bears will be in the Etsy shop and do hope you'll be able to drop by.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We're OK!!

We're all fine here and have enjoyed many kitty cuddles during the storm's passage. In the photo above, little Cheeto is snuggling with Rocky in one of their favorite baskets.

Our thoughts are with those who have been affected by the storm and we wish them a speedy recovery to normal.

Our love to all!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Waiting for a Hurricane

After one battens down all the hatches and buys everything that can be consumed without needing to be cooked or refrigerated, what does one do?
Clearly - think about friends who are also in harms way and hold the best wishes for all in our heart.

The next few days may bring devastation to many. Now as I wait, I am so thankful for good friends and good health and a wonderful family - all together again for awhile. Kim is home after finishing grad school at Pitt and Jason has just moved back - and I mean just - to start a new job in our area and will be buying his first home soon.

Years ago, a wonderful lady named Carolyn ordered one of my little bears named Dibley. Over the years she has sent me adorable photos of her Dib as he's enjoyed the various holidays in her home. This year at TBAI, Carolyn was there along with another dear friend named Elanor - whose mother knits wonderful tiny bear clothes.(Elanor makes the most wonderful little bears and mousies - do visit her at Carolyn bought her Dibley a hat that Elanor's mum had knitted and then she sent me some dandy photos of the little man in his new chapeau. One of those appears at the top of the posting!

This has been a special year for our local AHL Hockey Team - the Norfolk Admirals. They won it all! The trophy the team was awarded is called the Calder Cup. My dear friend Sarah has the most handsome and sweet son named Keith who is Director of Communications for the Admirals. Tradition has it that the team and administrators have a "day with the cup" to celebrate their hard work and victory. On Keith's day with the cup he took it to his parents home where a little bear named Barney that I made a couple of years ago got to sit in the cup and have his photo taken. How grand is that!

So as we await whatever comes our way, I am so thankful for all of you who stop by to visit, those who take time to write and send photos, and those who make my life so wonderful in so many different ways.
I wish everyone love, laughter, and cheer!

See you after the storm!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I Know What Santa Will Be Wearing This Year!

No, this isn't Santa! Beaker is taking time to smell my lovely flowers from the farmers' market - certainly a treat for both Beak and me!
Now, back to the title! I've just received a shipment from Berta at and it contained one of the best green colored fur I have ever seen. I usually make a couple of Santa's each year - one for the Hunt Valley show and one for the Teddies Worldwide online show and each is different. This year, I'm thinking that green will be included in the wardrobes of the two tiny Santas.
 I'm sure this photo doesn't do the color justice and I hope you'll be able to see it in person at Hunt Valley! It's a bit lighter and has more yellow than represented here. I ordered three more pieces as each of Berta's dye lots are a little different and I wanted more of this particular one.
And here's some of the new extra extra long fabric Berta has. The middle is a subtle sage-y green that might just show up in a very fluffy polar Santa! It's been so hot this summer, it makes me cool thinking of these Winter Wonderland inhabitants.

My heart is with the people and animals of the Gulf Coast. I hope recovery from the hurricane goes swiftly.

Monday, August 20, 2012

All Gone!!!

TBAI was such a whirl wind of fun, I forgot to take a photo of my table until all the bears were gone!! Most of them found their new Moms during the hour of shopping that those attending the convention are allowed before the banquet on Friday evening. I did want you to see my lovely new display my friend Debbie's husband has made for me. Jessie is a woodworker and with just a few suggestions of what I would like, he came up with this woodland wonder! I'm able to take it all apart for transport and there are three different platforms that I can arrange to suit whatever table is used at a show! Thanks so much Jessie!
Thursday night's reception had a "sock hop" theme and many dressed appropriately with pony tails and poodle skirts! 50's music was played and dancing was encouraged!
On one side of the room many artist set up some extraordinary pieces for all to see:

And on display was Teddy 2012 created by Barbara Burke which was auctioned at the Banquet on Saturday night!

Before the banquet, the gallery show room was opened up at 5 p.m. All attending were ushered in and placed their votes for their favorites - 8 inches and above and under 8 inches were the two categories.

"Any Occasion Will Do" was the theme for this year's gallery. My piece celebrated Arbor Day. Three little beary fairies were planting trees to insure the health of their woodland home. Thanks to Diane who bought my gallery piece!
Here are some of the other pieces:

The Peoples Choice Winners for the evening were:
Stevie T. for under 8 inches and
LuLu Tatum for 8 inches and over.

The collectors and artists who attend TBAI are just the greatest. I am so glad to have been invited to attend and look forward to next year!
Here are a couple of my special collectors who kindly gave me permission to use their photos:

Thanks to two lovely ladies -  Caryn and Terry for selecting my little ones at the show!
And a final look at the showroom floor where lots of collectors found lots of new bears and friends to take home. Thanks so much to Cindy Malchoff and her committee for making a wonderful experience for all of us! Can't wait for next year!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

What a Difference an Ear Makes!

Here's a little bunny that will be coming with me to TBAI in a couple of weeks. I love this fabric and you may remember Lola that I featured not long ago in the Etsy shop. When I was ready to sew on the ears - which I had planned to be "stand up" ears like Lola's, I just placed one as you see it here. That was it!! I love this little lop. The ears are wired so can be adjusted a bit. I'm just not sure if this bunny is a him or her yet.

Here's Lola! She's pretty sweet too!

I have just received an order from Berta at Threadteds in the Netherlands with lots more of this wonderful fabric. I'm hoping to get more very furry friends ready to accompany me to Binghamton. Hope to see you there!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

An Angel on my Shoulder

Here's Pippin! One of our little rescue kitties is now a whopping 2 pounds! The first day with us the vet weighed her at six tenths of a pound. She's the runt of the bunch - but such a little doll!
I had some fun with Pixlr with this one making glittery "snowflakes" for her. Isn't she gorgeous? Love often comes in very small packages!

Friday, July 20, 2012

So Sad

"If there's anything to take away from this tragedy, it's the reminder that life is very fragile here, time here is limited and it is precious," the president said. "What matters at the end of the day is not the small things; it is not the trivial things ... Ultimately it is how we choose to treat one another and how we love one another."
                                               President Barack Obama 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Fountain - so far

 So! Here's my fountain so far! The water will come out at the top of the "tree stump." There are two places where the water will travel down the sides - trickling over the vines and leaves.( I rolled a log across the clay which makes up the stump before forming it into the stump shape. The vines and leaves were then sculpted and attached to the stump.)

and then the water will collect in this bowl seated on more of the vines. I made the bowl a couple of weeks ago and it's dried enough for bisque firing. I made the tree yesterday so it should be ready for the first firing in a couple of weeks.The same clay was used for both, but when it dries out, it shrinks and gets lighter in color. I hope to glaze the bowl next week. I plan to leave the outside of the bowl natural stone colored and glaze the inside with my favorite - Pippin Green glaze which should look like an ancient boggy site. The vines will be colored with a red iron oxide as will the tree. Sure hope nothing cracks or explodes in the kiln!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lovely Gift

My dear friend, Sarah, gave me this lily last week. She says it's called a Casablanca lily and I can't tell you how good it smells. It lasted a full week in my sweet pitcher perfuming the house. Unlike many white flowers, this beauty stayed perfectly white. It's been such a joy!

It's full steam ahead for TBAI! i'm off to clay class today where I'm working on a fountain which I'll use on my table either for the New York show or later in Hunt Valley in November. I have a really neat "tree house" that will be part of my Arbor Day gallery piece and I'll be showing you how it comes together.

It's REALLY warm here in southern Virginia! Stay cool my friends!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Show "Friends of Teddy"

 Misty is certainly the tiniest elephant I've made! Misty is on her way to New York. Thanks Judy!

 Willow, my first kitty has a long journey to Belgium! Thanks Inge!
 Lammy Belle whom you saw in my preview photo is on her way to sunny Florida! Thanks Debra!

Harry (yes he is!) was chosen by Judith in Utah! Thanks so much! He should be there soon.

And luckily James the Steampunk Turtle knows the way to San Jose! He'll be taking up residence there! Thanks so much Kathleen!!

The show is just wonderful and I'm so thrilled that all those adopting my little ones were new collectors for me! I really appreciate hearing from so many during the show. It's still going on until later this afternoon, so if you haven't been to see all the wonderful creations, just click here:
Daphne and her Dad do such a wonderful job with these online shows. It gives all of us a chance to show our bears and friends to the world! Thanks so much Daphne and Frank!