
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Calendar Page Turning Day

January has been kind to southern Virginia, weather wise. We were close to 70 degrees today and will be again tomorrow. This sweet bunny has arrived at her new home with Lisa and I'm working to fulfill other promises before getting to work on bears for the upcoming online show.

The view from my window today had some surprises! Take a look!

Now take a closer look!

Two doves blend right in!

January beauty can often be subtle. To my surprise, way ahead of schedule, this very welcome little hyacinth blossom showed up in my front flower bed.

And the sweet gum balls of the maple tree that are still hanging on dance in the wind with a back drop of a beautiful blue sky.

A little idea I had takes this shape:

I made a tiny pin cushion! If you'd like a tutorial showing how to make this, I'll have one posted here in the next few days! I love making hats for the little bears and thought the shape could be made into a nifty little gift. Everyone needs a place to keep a few pins!!

So, thanks, January! It's been great!! I hope the groundhog doesn't see his shadow in a couple of days!!


  1. Your bunny is cute! And I love the little hat on the last picture, will be back to look at the tutorials :)

  2. Thanks, Wayne!! I'll do my best to made good instructions!!

  3. Your bunny is a darling, and the sweetest little hat. I have doves out of my kitchen window often. They look so good when they fluff their feathers up.

  4. Thanks, Kay! Aren't the little birdies a gift? They cause us to stop and enjoy their presence. Taking time to notice the small details of life is so rewarding!!
    Lots of hugs,

  5. your skills in crochet can turns a thread to everything possible.

  6. It's a real adventure, Susana! Do you enjoy crochet as well? I find myself grabbing a hook and thread whenever I have a spare moment. You are right! The possibilities are endless!!

  7. Oh what a beautiful face that bunny has! perfect!

  8. Hi Helen!
    That's such a wonderful compliment - thank you so much! I think your bears are just precious. The face means so much, doesn't it?
