
Monday, October 17, 2011

Hunt Valley, Here We Come!!!

The crowd is gathering on the "waiting for my outfit" shelf in my workroom! I have so many exciting little ones just waiting to see whether they will be going to Hunt Valley or participating in the Teddies Worldwide online show.
I visited Jason and his kitties a week ago and we (well, not the kitties) went to a miniatures show held in Tyson's Corner. I bought an adorable little carriage, some wagons, small toys for Santa's sack, and a sleigh to entertain my little ones.
My philosophy is always - start with what can't be changed, and work with it! So. The adorable little carriage requires a very tiny "doll bunny" - and here she is in progress!
I promise lots of sneak peeks in the days ahead!


  1. i won't forget your words and work.

  2. That's sweet, Susana! Thank you!!!!!

  3. Save some for the online show please! I can't get to Hunt Valley so I'll miss you again! :(

    The new little bunny looks so sweet. Can't wait to see the finished result!

    Big Bear Hugs from me to you!!

  4. Carolyn, Hi!!!!
    I'm so sorry you won't be able to come to Hunt Valley! You can be assured, the little bears and bunnies will be sorted before the show. Unfortunately, I won't be able to post sneak peeks for the online show, but the preview page will be available on November 4th and I can post my little bear for that page on that date.
    We will just have to plan to visit during TBAI next year! I hope you had a good time there this year. Email me when you have time to let me know all about it!
    A Big Hug back to you!
