
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are well into the Beaker visit. He arrived and was a little aprehensive at first but that lasted only a very few minutes. In reviewing the photos I've taken up to now, I mostly see blurs. Beaker and his cousin Rocky are one constant motion. I did manage a few when Beaker was peering out through the bannister of my stairs.
I am so thankful for Kim to be able to visit and for all our little family to be together this Thanksgiving. Kim and Beaker will soon return to Pittsburgh and Jason will be moving to Maryland on Monday. This is a very busy time!
Blessings to everyone. I am so thankful for family and friends - those with two legs and four!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Donna, sending you and your family lots of

  2. Thank you so much Elanor! I wish you the same even though I don't think you have the same title to the day.
    I hope your move went well! My son is about to do the same and I know how hectic it can be!
    I'm certainly thankful for friends like you!
    Love and hugs,
