Twenty ten or Two thousand ten has begun well in the Griffin household. I've been working on new bears for a special project that I will tell you about soon. I've promised not to show the photos for awhile, but I'll say that they are "springy."
It's still cold here but we should see 50 degrees (Farenheit) tomorrow! Can spring be far away???
The new photo at the top of the page was a project for a photography class some years ago. I had only minimal megapixels at the time. I think my Iphone has more now! Anyway, all the photos were taken from my deck.
Cleo and Rocky are thriving and are very lively! I'm amazed they slowed down long enough for me to take these photos this morning. Still considered kittens, Cleo is 10 months old and Rocky (bushy tail) is 7 months. They are such a joy!!
Lovely kitties :)
I can't wait to see this new project either!
Thanks, Heather! The new bears are for a publication and I'll share them after the publication date.
I bought the kitties some ping pong balls to play with today and have they had fun with that!
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