I am thrilled to have received two Golden Teddy Nominations from Teddy Bear Review for 2009! The little girls who have won are both miniatures, one dressed and one bare.
Maude, handsewn, stands just under 4 inches and is dressed in a pretty cotton print dress with matching hat. Her sleeves are cotton batiste and she wears pretty cotton bloomers trimmed in French lace - though I don't think you can see in the photo. Maude is named for my grandmother, Maude Abbott Miner, who raised me and taught me how to sew as well as all the other worthwhile things one learns in life. When I needed a sweet old fashioned name for this little charmer, my daughter, Kim, suggested Maude. Perfect!
Mimi, standing a little shorter than Maude, is handsewn from silk. It's the softest fabric and suits her little flirty personality. She wears eye makeup and wears a hand dyed silk ribbon.
Both these girls are one of a kind and will be available at different times during the summer on Ebay.
I've just gotten back from helping Kim move to Pennsylvania and am happy to report that all went well. The trip was gorgeous as the leaves on the trees have made everything there that pretty new spring green color. Luckily, I have a new Iphone and Kim and I can keep in touch through calling, shared photos, and texting! Technology is grand!