I am so thrilled to say that my "Panda Sisters" have won the TOBY Industry Choice award for 2009. Their names are Pansy and Rosebud. It's little Rosebud's head I'm holding in the last posting so you can get an idea of how big they are. Pansy is 3 3/4 inches tall and Rosebud is 2 3/4 inches tall. I was just sent the "official" list from Teddy Bear and Friends magazine, but dear Ruth so kindly let me know earlier today. I've been floating on air since I heard from her. I hope you like these little girls. They will be my first entry into the world of Ebay and I hope to do that by the end of the month. I want to take more photos using my daughter's hands holding them to show just how big (or small) they are. Do let me know if you'd like me to contact you when they will be available on Ebay. They are a "one of a kind" duo, but there will, of course, be more pandas available.
Big congratulations Donna.
This is so great news and so well deserved. Your panda pair are just the custest.
Big hugs, Tina
oh - I did mean cutest :D
Oh Donna , they are GORGEOUS !!
Please give them some little kisses from me :0) I will be crossing my fingers for them !
Many Hugs and Congratulations ,
Ruth x
Thanks so much Tina and Ruth!! It's so nice to have friends like you sending me such sweet messages. Tina, I hope you are feeling better and Ruth, thanks again for being a "bearer" of good news! Love you guys, Donna
Donna, didn't know you had a blog, congratulations on the TOBY nod! See you at TBAI!
Hi Darlene! Thanks so much! You know I sent a reply to your message and thought I was being so technilogically cool. I think I sent it to nowhere!
Essentially, I said that I can manage to post on my Blog whereas I need youthful help to manage the website (thanks Iain!)
Glad you are on the 100 Best Blog list - isn't it great! I'll be checking by to see what's up with you! See you at TBAI! Hugs, Donna
Hi Donna,
Your panda sisters are simply GORGEOUS......well deserving of the honour :o)
I'm sure they'll do really well on ebay!!
PS - Georgie says hi and sends his love and big hugs from a very cold and snowy Edinburgh!!!
Hi Janice! How wonderful to hear from you and thank you so much!!
I'd love to visit Scotland one of these days, but will perhaps make it in the summer. Love to you and Georgie! It's just about his anniversary with you, isn't it!
Hugs, Donna
What beautiful pandas! Congratulations on your TOBY Donna!!!!
Thank you so much, Paula! I so appreciate what you are doing for all of us with the 100 Best Bear Blogs! I did try the alpaca you recommended for the big bears and loved it. For the most part, I think I'll stick to the tiny ones and leave the big gorgeous bears to you! You make some of the best big bears in the world! Hugs, Donna
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