I am so thrilled and overwhelmed as I have learned that two of my pieces have won Toby Industry Choice Awards. These pieces are very special to me as they represent two new directions that my work has taken during the past year. The first is entitled"Hamish and Fergus Celebrate the Year of the Pig." It was my first offering which included a sculpted piece and was sold in the first Bear Artists Online Show last year. The other winner is "Wee Much, Acorn Gatherer" and is a wee 4 inches tall. I'm new to the mini world in making but have been intrigued with little things forever! I tried to get as much expression in that little face as I could. Rose and I searched for days for the perfect acorn cap for him to wear.
Sometimes when you go in a new direction, you think your vision might be yours alone. These awards are very precious and give me the nudge to keep going up new roads!
BIG congratulations with your TOBY´s Donna. It is SO well deserved. I just love those bears and that little pig too. Can´t wait to see more new ones. Many bear hugs, Tina
Thank you soooooooooo much, Tina!! I am thrilled beyond belief and am delighted to share the news. Your bear being a "cover girl" is just wonderful and I know you must be walking on air too!! I hope to add another of your little ones to my collection this year. Lots of hugs, Donna
Congratulations Donna ! These awards are so well deserved ; especially the little panda , he's such a heart stealer !! Here's to many more of your beautiful creations ! :0)
Huggies , Ruth
Oh Ruth thank you! You know, that little panda is the first one ever that didn't have to be redone. Most of my bears eventually have two or three noses and the ears have to be re-put on time after time. Little Fergus cooperated so nicely I think he deserves recognition! HA! I do appreciate your thoughtful words, Hugs to you, Donna
Donna, I am thrilled for you! TOBY awards and Golden Teddy nominations! WOW. Your work is stunning. (Love the panda and pig!) I remember seeing your bears back when I was only a collector and just starting to create my own bears. Fantastic job to you! It's great to see you recognized in such a way.
Bear hugs from Debora
New Avenue Crew
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